Roblox Base Wars Kill Hackbackuptype

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  2. Roblox Base Wars Kill Hackbackuptype Game
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  • ROBLOX Base Wars FPS is a first-person shooter game by the ROBLOX Content Team, known as Games. The goal is to capture all control points and get the most points. If your team wins, you could get the Red & Blue Base Wars Paintball Mask. The game is relatively popular, as it has racked up over 740,000 place visits and over 30,000 favorites.
  • Quite few things has changed since 2014. The community is still messed up however, and Roblox is still trying to promote other companies, nerf guns in this case. What I did notice is that few old levels such as “Work At a Pizza Place” and DoomSpires came back. My favorite game though, Base wars, does not have its typical 750 people on anymore.

Jan 29, 2016 Roblox Base Wars Speed Hack Walkthrough Mp3. ROBLOX (Basewars) 30000 Kills Glitch 2012. NEW GUN DAMAGE HACK 2014 AUGUST (BASE WARS. How to get LOTS of kills in 'Roblox,Base Wars. You will be redirected to the shopping site. Please note that you must be 18 or over to buy online.

[ROBLOX] Basic guide for Base Wars by D4rk886

posted Oct 4, 2013, 4:44 PM by Kerry Zhu [ updated Oct 10, 2013, 6:04 PM]
Ever been frustrated that you don't have enough kills in that epic front page game called Base wars?
well here's the guide on how to get kills very easily, I'll be covering how to get a good KDR in the next article
This is a guide for newbies :3 who just started playing Roblox, this game, or just generally bad at military/FPS games.
well, here you go,
  • always find places where most of the enemy are and shoot :D
  • use z to have better accuracy.
  • going into front assault mode, which stands for blasting them with bullets (which is what I did and it didn't result in a very good looking KDR. ._.).
  • Armor is always useful.[Armor stats in the bottom].
  • do not try to face those people with glittering armor[I know it's pretty].
  • never expose yourself too much.
  • If you are going to snipe, snipe within the mountains, for it is harder for them to spot you, AND you do not expose yourself too much.
  • stay in your vehicle, and don't jump out of it if it's at at least have 1/4 of it's health left, they are quite costly for new people who just started playing.
Well this is it for the Basic guide for Base Wars by D4rk866, Hope you find this useful and don't forget to subscribe to this blog!
If you have any questions, concerns, or problems please PM me: Runeblade0301
Riot Shield armour: I think it only gives you 800 HP now, -4 walkspeed, but you have a shield, which blocks a lot of the dmg, good for camping and CQC. Have to be careful around people with bows or crossbows. Use with shotguns M4 to have shield up.
Assassin armour: gives you an extra 25 HP pts, and +8 speed [I uses this a lot].
Swimming armour: gives you extra speed when swimming and you will receive no dmg when in water, good if you like playing the marines
Regular armour: 500 HP pts, 10 walking speed, costs far less kills and cash.
Uber VIP armor: 200 HP pts and regular walkspeed. requires user buuying uber vip.
Anti Explode Armour: 100% resistent to explosions and 150 HP

May 28th, 2019
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  1. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet('', true))()
  2. local char = plr.Character
  3. local renderstepped = game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped
  4. SILENTKILL = false
  5. for k,v in next,getreg() do
  6. local fenv = getfenv(v)
  7. fenv.oof = function(...)
  8. end
  9. end
  10. end
  11. function IsProtected(player)
  12. local target = workspace:FindFirstChild(player)
  13. if target and target:FindFirstChildOfClass('ForceField') then
  14. end
  15. return false
  16. for k,v in next, getreg() do
  17. if type(v) 'table' and rawget(v, 'reloadTime') then
  18. v.reloadTime = 0.01
  19. v.minSpread = 0
  20. v.range = 2e6
  21. end
  22. local plr = {}
  23. if v.Character then
  24. end
  25. return plr
  26. local tool = char:FindFirstChildOfClass('Tool')
  27. local shootEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.WeaponScripts.Events:WaitForChild('ShootEvent')
  28. local getTime = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild('PlayerScripts'):WaitForChild('TimeHandler'):WaitForChild('WantTime')
  29. for _,v in next, workspace.Tycoons:GetChildren() do
  30. if v.Owner.Value and v.Owner.Value ~= plr.Name and (not IsProtected(v.Owner.Value)) then
  31. for _,parts in next, v.PlacedContent:GetChildren() do
  32. if hitbox then
  33. local direction = (hitbox.Position - char.Head.Position).unit
  34. local ray =, direction * 1000)
  35. local part, partpos = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray)
  36. if part and part.Parent.Parent.Name 'PlacedContent' then
  37. for i = 0, parts.DestroyHP.Value do
  38. shootEvent:FireServer(tool.Name, char.Head.Position, direction * 1000, tool, getTime:Invoke(), tool:FindFirstChild('BulletSpawnPos').Position)
  39. end)
  40. end
  41. end
  42. end
  43. local tool = char:FindFirstChildOfClass('Tool')
  44. local shootEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.WeaponScripts.Events:WaitForChild('ShootEvent')
  45. local getTime = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild('PlayerScripts'):WaitForChild('TimeHandler'):WaitForChild('WantTime')
  46. for _,v in next, game.Players:GetChildren() do
  47. if v.Name ~= plr.Name and (not IsProtected(v.Name)) then
  48. if char and v.Character and v.Character.Head and char.Head then
  49. local direction = (v.Character.Head.Position - char.Head.Position).unit
  50. local ray =, direction * 1000)
  51. local part, partpos = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist(ray, GetPlrForWhiteList())
  52. shootEvent:FireServer(tool.Name, char.Head.Position, direction * 1000, tool, getTime:Invoke(), tool:FindFirstChild('BulletSpawnPos').Position)
  53. end)
  54. end
  55. end
  56. if flags.SILENTKILL then
  57. end
  58. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {
  59. Text = text;
  60. })
  61. text = 'Base Raid GUI',
  62. flags.SILENTKILL = not flags.SILENTKILL
  63. SendNotification('Alert', 'Base Raid GUI by asgar#3199, Asgarr on v3rm')

Roblox Base Wars Kill Hackbackuptype Game