How Can I Download Mediasite Streaming Video

How Can I Download Mediasite Streaming Video

  1. How Can I Download Mediasite Streaming Video
  2. How Can I Download Mediasite Streaming Video Recorder
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Mediasite makes downloading your presentations very simple, it even does all the conversion for you. This is useful especially if you want to upload your presentation to another space. This video tutorial will show you how to download video and/or audio files in several different ways for different purposes and save them on your computer in Mediasite.

  1. To get started first log into your MyMediasite page. This can also be accessed through your Blackboard course.
  2. Find the presentation/video you want to download and open it by selecting the video thumbnail, with the presentation/video open, your screen look as below.
  1. Find the Edit Details button on the right-hand side of the screen. It’s highlighted below in red.
  1. Find the tab in the new window that’s labeled Delivery (Note: if you don’t click into Edit Details there is also a Delivery tab in the same space, but this is just a summary and won’t let you change any options.

How Can I Download Mediasite Streaming Video

  1. To embed a Mediasite video into Blackboard, please follow the instructions below. Please note: if you want students to be able to view the video without having to login you will need to change the video security settings - this is highly recommended for recordings such as Unit Welcome videos. First, get the link to the video from Mediasite.
  2. If the lecture you are accessing is in MySCU, you will most likely have to select 'Lectures' then click onto 'Mediasite Lectures' to find the recordings. You will be presented with the below screen. Click the download button and then select the second option Video (composite Video).

In the delivery options menu, select the 'Video Podcast' checkbox located on the left and select the 'MP4 Export' option. Once all options have been selected press the 'Save' button. This will begin the formatting process. The timeline of your file will dictate the length of the process (ex. 45min video may take up to 45min to fully process).

How Can I Download Mediasite Streaming Video Recorder

  1. In the Delivery tab there are a few options. One is Podcast, which will get you only the audio from a presentation. Click this if you’d like an audio file of the recording. Another is Publish To Go, which creates a file with the video, and individual images for each slide. This can be very useful if you just want the video that was captured. If you want a video with both the captured video and your screen capture you will need to click on Vodcast.
  2. Both Podcast and Vodcast require you to pick a profile before Mediasite will prepare your download. For Podcast “MP3 160 Kbps” is recommended. For Vodcast if you want both screens you will need to pick “MP4 Video Podcasts – single video, slides” is the option you will need, otherwise pick the option for the stream you want a video from (Main presentation video or slides).
  3. Click Save before leaving the page
  1. Mediasite will need some time to prepare your downloads, the time required depends on how long the presentation is, but it is recommended you check back after 30 minutes. If your presentation still hasn’t finished after 24 hours please contact support.
  2. To download your presentation go back to your MyMediasite page, click the presentation you want to download, and scroll to the bottom of the next page. You should see a button for Download to Computer.
  1. If you click Download to Computer and Mediasite says “Publish to Go has not been created” you may need to give Mediasite more time to encode your presentation. If you have given it more than a few hours it is suggested to review the steps above to make sure they have all been completed and you saved your work (step 7) if you are still having issues contact support.
  2. When your presentation is done encoding the download button should give you options to download whichever options you have selected. Below both podcast and vodcast have been selected.
  1. As a final note, downloading a Publish to Go package downloads a .zip file. To get to the actual video file you will need to unzip this package, and then go to the Content Folder. This will have both your video and individual images for each slide.
Updated on December 17, 2020

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